3月31日-第八屆世界備份日 World Backup Day
2018/3/31 是第八屆世界備份日 World Backup Day , 這個日子的由來是Reddit社群許多關心備份的朋友倡議發起的, 他們希望能喚醒人們對於備份的意識
This independent initiative to raise awareness about backups and data preservation started out — like most good things on the internet – on reddit by a couple of concerned users. Let’s make this happen!
相對於4/1愚人節, 3/31日不要忘了備份您的資料, 備份您重要的2T影片!
Don’t be an April Fool. Backup your data. World Backup Day is March 31st.
我鄭重地發誓, 3月31日要備份我重要的文件, 以及含有我寶貴記憶的所有資料
The World Backup Day Pledge From WorldBackupDay.com
“I solemnly swear to backup my important documents and precious memories on March 31st.”